Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that our app is no longer available.

What is Castoff?

Castoff is a private photo messaging app where users can send up to 3 photos to their friends while getting anonymous votes and private comments back in real-time.

What mobile operating system does Castoff support?

iOS only.

What is a Community Castoff?

A Community Castoff is a Castoff that is sent to every user. In the send out process, you have the option to Castoff to your friends or the Castoff Community. Your identity is unknown when you Castoff to the Castoff Community and you can only receive votes, no comments.

Who can see the Castoffs I send?

Only the friends you select per Castoff.

Who can see my voting results?

Only you the sender can see the full voting results. Your friends who voted can only see the percentage of votes per picture. All of their votes are anonymous.

When I vote and comment on a friend’s Castoff, who can see my comments

Only the sender can see your comments.

How can I control what notifications I receive?

You can adjust your notification settings on the advanced settings tab in “Settings”.

How do I find and add my friends?

Click the top right friends icon on the “Received” or “Sent” screen. You will be able to see all of your friends on the “My Friends” screen. Once you click the top right plus icon, you can invite friends from your contact phonebook by scrolling down or searching for their name. Once you select your friends to invite, we will prompt you to send them a text message to download the app and you will be notified when they sign up.

How do I block another Castoff user and what does it mean?

Click the top right friends icon on the “Received” or “Sent” screen. You will be able to see all of your friends on the “My Friends” screen. Once you click on a username you will be able to block or remove that user from your friends list. Blocking a user means that they won’t be able to add you as a friend or send you Castoffs.

How do I unblock a friend?

Go to the “Settings” page and click on “Unblock Friends”
